With AirDrop, yous can transport anything between Apple devices in just a few taps or clicks, even without an internet connection. Except, of form, when a dozen devices pop upwards and you tin't seem to find the ones that belong to your friends.

To avert sending photos, videos, and other files to the incorrect people, here's how to alter the AirDrop name for various Apple devices.

How to Change the AirDrop Name for an iPhone

For expert friends, they're going to want a copy of your memories together on their iPhone. To brand certain that y'all tin find a device on AirDrop from a body of water of iPhones, hither's how to alter its proper noun.

Go to Settings > General > Well-nigh > Proper noun. And so, tap the 10 icon next to the current proper name of the device. Side by side, blazon the new iPhone name and tap Done when you're finished.

How to Change the AirDrop Name for an iPad

Should your friends not exist iPhone users, they may still own an iPad. Here's how they can change the name on their iPad, so you can hands spot them for a quick AirDrop.

Go to Settings > General > About > Proper name. Next, erase the existing name, replace it with your preferred name, and printing Done.

How to Change the AirDrop Proper name on Mac

If your friends are using a Mac, here'due south how to change a Mac's AirDrop name. The new name will show up whether using another Mac or AirDropping a file from an iPhone to a Mac.

On your Mac's carte bar, click on the Apple tree icon. And then, select Organisation Preferences > Sharing. And so, click the padlock icon and cardinal in your password to authorize changes.

Adjacent, at the tiptop of the window, supercede the current name of the Mac with your preferred name. Lastly, click the padlock icon over again to finalize the changes.

Apple Mac Sharing Name

When yous change your Mac'southward proper noun, it will also change your local network address. So, if you accept apps or devices that employ this address, make sure to brand the change for them too.

Make Your Apple Device Like shooting fish in a barrel to Find With a New AirDrop Proper noun

When it comes to sending files from one Apple device to some other, AirDrop takes the block for being one of the easiest means to exercise it. Past giving your iPhone, iPad, or Mac a unique proper noun, yous can make the procedure of sending photos, videos, or documents fifty-fifty faster and safer for everyone.

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